Jewellery Rolex Replica Watches Fair In Guangzhou 2011

In 2011, the Fair attracted 4,207 visitors from 92 countries and regions and 327 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions. 3FJ featured four group pavilions from mainland China, Korea, Philippines and Taiwan. In addition to four group pavilions, the fair also featured– for the first time– Fashion replica rolex watches Pavilion.

Chinese consumers who pursue a quality lifestyle aspire for products of high value; as such, exquisite jewellery sets are expected to be among their prime choices. To tap the purchasing power of this growing class of increasingly sophisticated group of jewellery fake rolex consumers, local Chinese fine jewellery retailers are encouraged to source luxurious jewellery collections with unique designs from jewellers worldwide.

Under the new concept, Guangzhou provides consumers,collectors and high-end jewellery retailers with unmatched opportunity to buy luxurious jewellery, including jewellery sets with rare diamonds,lustrous pearls, bejewelled rolex replica watches, antique and estate jewellery,exclusive one-offs and other jewellery collections with cutting-edge designs of highest quality from esteemed jewellery companies from around the world.

Guangzhou jewellery fair will be held concurrently, also at the Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Centre, with another high-end exhibition — the Canton International Art & Collection Fair. This prominent art festival in Southern China attracts art lovers and collectors from around the world, thus bringing more high-net-worth individuals to Treasures Guangzhou ’s doorsteps. It will be held just before Asia ’s biggest international mid-year jewellery fair — the June Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair — thus overseas exhibitors who want to explore opportunities in the mainland ’s high-end retail market will be able to cost-effectively participate in both events in one trip.


About dretewtrer

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